Boats 82.06 Kb George Tatum changes a WaveBike prop while Jim Hawkings rides another. Ray Buresch and Jim Chilton on HydroBikes watch Jake Free riding OP-1 Spirit.

Boats_2 55.15 Kb George Tatum working on the WaveBike while Jim Hawkings looks on from another one. Grant Brooks in the JetBlade and John Chen in the WaveWalker look on.

Boats_3 58.33 Kb Two PowerPaddlers and Orrin Christy's SeaCycle.

Boats_4 49.33 Kb George Tatum on the WaveBike watching George Eicholzer and David Cruikshank on the SeaCycle. That's Jim Glover and Belinda Jeromechuck on the Hobie Mirage Tandem in the background.

Boats_5 54.20 Kb Frank Teuton in The JetBlade canoe overlooking the demo area.

Boats_6 62.55 Kb A demo rider preparing to right the WaveBike. Notice the three WaterSkippers in the background. They didn't race, but were a big hit with the demo riders.

Boats_7 64.18 Kb Ready to get back on the WaveBike.

BuoyCourse 24.27 Kb The 100m race course.

Criterium 55.32 Kb Start of the 2K Criterium race. Close quarters!

Criterium_2 42.88 Kb The field spreads out in the 2K Criterium race.

Crowd 47.52 Kb The crowd started arriving later in the afternoon.

Crowd_2 79.09 Kb Once the Jazz Festival at the Art Gallery across the street let out, we had more demo riders than we could handle!

DragRace 43.37 Kb Heat one of the Drag Race has George Tatum ahead by a nose, Jim Hawkings in hot pursuit, and Felix Audet on Ron Drynan's LegShell following close behind.

DragRace_2 75.97 Kb Jim Hawkings noses out George Tatum in the 2nd heat of the Drag Races.

DragRace_3 37.07 Kb Orrin Christy and Linda Lindsay on the SeaCycle racing against Jim Glover and Belinda Jeromechuck on the Hobie Mirage Tandem.

HobieMirageTandem 51.96 Kb Jim Glover and Belinda Jeromechuck on the Hobie Mirage Tandem.

JetBlade 24.03 Kb Grant Brooks on the JetBlade canoe.

LegShell 29.17 Kb George Tatum ran Ron Drynan's LegShell through the 100m timing trap.

Media 45.87 Kb Ron Drynan being interviewed for a local cable show.

Media_2 54.67 Kb Ron Drynan being interviewed for the local evening news.

OP1Spirit 82.12 Kb Jake Free lounging on his OP-1 Spirit while chatting with Frank Teuton.

OP1Spirit_2 82.13 Kb George Tatum took Jake Free's OP-1 Spirit for a spin.

OP1Spirt_3 37.51 Kb Jake Free running the 100m sprints on his OP-1 Spirit.

RegistrationTent 26.51 Kb The tent was handy during the brief bit of rain in the morning.

SeaCycle 22.14 Kb Orrin Christy and Linda Lindsay set the buoy course on their SeaCycle with Ron Drynan doing the surveying from shore.

SeaCycle_2 28.02 Kb George Eicholzer and David Cruikshank brought this SeaCycle from Toronto.

Trailer 36.88 Kb Ron's trailer makes a handy place to hang banners.

Venue 26.11 Kb The Albright-Knox Art Gallery across the street, and the three docks left by the Solar Splash race in June.

Venue_2 25.18 Kb The bridge in front of the Historical Museum across the street.

Venue_3 26.59 Kb The rest of the lake is surrounded by a nice park with walking trails.

Venue_4 29.71 Kb Another park shot. The Shakespeare festival was held on a stage in the woods a little futher down the trail to the right.